Game lord of the rings
Game lord of the rings

game lord of the rings

For those who are unaware, the ending of Game of Thrones is very controversial for many fans. This reason has to do with the endings of both stories, both of which claim to be bittersweet, though only one succeeds. There are definitely a lot of reasons why, of course, but it really all boils down to one thing. Unfortunately, for some Game of Thrones fans, Lord of the Rings ends up looking better when compared with the HBO show. RELATED: The Amazon 'Lord of the Rings' Series Is Missing What Made The Movies Great

game lord of the rings

The protagonists of Lord of the Rings, though, get more of a happy ending than those of Game of Thrones. Being one of the main characters in Game of Thrones does not guarantee happiness, it's often the opposite. Given their similarities in genre and the attempted bittersweet tone of both endings, however, it makes sense to compare the two fantasies. Most of Game of Thrones' main characters are more morally grey than the protagonists of Lord of the Rings. Both deal with issues of good and evil, though Lord of the Rings takes more of a traditional fantasy position of good conquering evil while Game of Thrones deals with a lot more gray areas. Both feature characters dealing with difficult situations and using their wits and occasionally help from others to get out of them. Lord of the Rings and Game of Thronesare both fantasy stories of epic proportions.

Game lord of the rings